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Reckoning: A Reverse Harem Tale (Mountain Magic Book 3) Page 3
Reckoning: A Reverse Harem Tale (Mountain Magic Book 3) Read online
Page 3
"Wait, are you some sort of druid now?" I asked.
Nikolai shook his head. "No. I am not good with earth magic overall, simply very familiar with this particular task. On the Steppes, we learn this or die. We normally bring our own frames, because not many trees on Steppes, but still, is easier to get wood from willing trees."
"You're amazing, Nikolai." I hugged him.
"Thank you," he replied modestly. "We need to get canvas and ropes, though. Doesn't matter how they're cut, just enough. We can shape with magic. Can we do this?"
Doc nodded. "Yeah. Shouldn't be an issue. We can drop Sofia off at the dorms," his lips twisted at that idea, "and get whatever you want. We need to buy more clothing for everyone and deal with the insurance company, too." He shook his head and I could see his shoulders tensing again.
"Hey, we'll get through this." I wrapped my arms around his waist.
"Thanks. I know. There were a few things I didn't like about the cabin anyway. We can rebuild it a little differently."
"Yes. If we get wood delivered, Sofia and I can work on the cabin. It is a good project."
Doc raised his eyebrows, clearly not having considered that possibility.
"You will probably need to hire someone to do your electricity. Don't understand that enough to use magic, but seems fairly minor compared to the rest."
I clapped my hands together in excitement. "That actually sounds fun."
"What sounds like fun?" Ed asked as he and Allan joined us by the yurt frame.
I let my eyes roam over their muscled torsos. Both were shirtless and their jeans hugged their muscular bodies in a way that made me hope I wasn't drooling on myself. I never got tired of looking at any of my guys.
"Sofia and Nikolai are going to build us a cabin once we can sort through some of the details, like insurance, and getting wood delivered," Doc answered.
"Oh, neat." Ed put his arms around me. "So, how do you like our temporary house?"
I nodded and leaned into his embrace, enjoying his bare skin under my hands. "Once it has canvas it should be cozy."
Allan took me from Ed and buried his nose in my hair. I pressed against him.
"If we're going to accomplish anything with what's left of today, we should get going," Doc said.
Allan swept me up into his arms before I could protest. I laughed. "I can walk, you know."
"Yes, but I can also carry you." His steel gray eyes shone with amusement as he carried me toward Doc's truck.
I let him. When he put me down, I left my arm hooked around his neck and tugged him down into a kiss. He responded enthusiastically, leaving me breathless when we finally broke apart.
Ed claimed me a moment later and I melted into his arms, his lips working against mine, his hands pressed against my ass.
He released me from his strong grip and, winking, put my hands in Nikolai's before climbing into the passenger seat of the truck.
I knew why they always put me in the back when they had a choice, so I could touch whoever was in the back. Doc was the only one who never sat back there with me because he always drove.
Nikolai brushed my hair out of my face before cupping my face with both hands and leaning in. I pressed forward, and remembering Doc's suggestion, bit at his lip and dug my fingers into his back. He rumbled in pleasure and kissed me deeply.
"Maybe I will keep Sofia here, you all go shopping," Nikolai said in jest, as he offered me his hand to help me in the truck.
"If we didn't need you to tell us what canvas to get, I'd tell you to stay," Doc said, starting up the diesel.
Nikolai shut the door behind him and we headed back toward town. I was no longer afraid of being alone, but I wasn't ready to be separated from my guys. Still, the dorms were open and I thought Victoria would be back. I definitely wanted to see her, and they could come get me tomorrow.
∞ ∞ ∞
"Girl! You're back, for real?"
I nodded, and Victoria threw herself into my arms. I hugged her back enthusiastically.
"So, tell me everything." She pulled me into our dorm room and we both sank onto the bed on her side of the room.
"Well, I think you might know more than me. I don't remember a ton from when the demon possessed me. Even when I was more in control than she was. She left me with a lot of knowledge, I just don't know what. Oh, and they burned down the cabin."
Victoria's eyebrows rose, and she put her hands in front of her mouth. "O-M-G."
"Yeah. It sucks." I still hadn't fully processed that change, along with everything else that had happened in the last few months.
"What are you going to do?"
"We're trying to figure that out now. I think Nikolai is in favor of nuking them, but we have to figure out if we can get away with it." I shrugged. "We'll figure it out. At the very least, I'm not in danger like I was before."
Victoria nodded, crossed her arms over her chest, and shivered. She probably remembered the gun against her temple. With Nikolai protecting us from magical attacks and Sam's amulet that Victoria wore, the Andersons had resorted to using a gun and my roommate to get me to go quietly.
Victoria's expression brightened. "Here's some interesting news. The Supreme Court is hearing a case right now that could determine if supernaturals get protected status under the law. It'll be a game changer if it goes through."
"Yeah, for anyone who's willing to expose themselves. Didn't they try and do some sort of registration bill a while back?"
Victoria nodded. "We got that shut down, but you're right, for the protections to work you have to be identified as a supernatural."
"I can think of quite a few races who will not want to be identified, even with protections." My thoughts went to Doc immediately. No vampire, or half vampire in his case, would want anyone to know what they were. Not in the current climate, anyway. He could still pretend to be a mage since he had access to both mine and Nikolai's powers, but I wasn't sure how well that would hold out if it really became an issue.
"Well, the goal obviously is to get to the point where it doesn't matter. This would be a big step."
"Yeah. I'm sorry. You're right, this is a big deal. It would make it easier to fight the magic mafia too."
Victoria nodded. "So, how are things with the guys? They've looked pretty stressed out over the last couple of months."
I stared at the ground, guilt at putting them through so much warring with pleasure as I thought about this afternoon with Doc.
"Good, I think. I mean, they all seem to have worked everything out amongst themselves while I was, um, gone. Now I'm just trying to get caught up with them. I guess."
Victoria's eyes sparkled and her lips turned up. "Enjoy that."
I couldn't help my cheeks reddening. "I will."
"Are you going to spend the rest of the weekend here or back up with the guys? I'm assuming they have some sort of plan for a place to live while they deal with the cabin?"
"I'm not sure. Probably head back up if I can. If not tonight, then tomorrow. Nikolai is introducing everyone to Mongolian camping techniques."
"Okay, cool. My guy will be here before long. He had a little more flexibility with the first part of his week back in classes so we decided to ride out the next snow storm up here. This weather is wild. We don't usually have this much snow this early in the year."
"Great! Do I finally get to meet him?"
"Yeah, want to see if everyone wants to get pizza?"
"Like, my entire pack?"
"That was what I meant by everyone." She winked at me. "It'll be fun."
"Does he know I'm dating all of them?"
Victoria nodded.
I flopped back onto my bed. This was way more difficult than I had anticipated. If I could feel comfortable with anyone knowing I had multiple serious boyfriends, I would think it would be Victoria and her boyfriend. Star, my best friend, knew, but we hadn't had much time to really talk about it. She promised to text me when she got back to Florida and we would talk more
"What's wrong?"
"I just…it still feels weird to be dating, I mean, really dating, four guys."
"Okay, no, with them it feels completely natural. It's only when I'm talking about it with other people that it starts to feel strange."
"David thinks it's cool." Victoria shrugged. "We're good people to practice with. Oh, and I'm pretty sure my parents figured it out, too. Though, they haven't met Nikolai. Uh, I didn't tell David any of your guys were supernatural, except that Doc and you are mages. It was kind of obvious when I freaked out and told him about the asshole who kidnapped you. And so far that's all my parents know about, too."
"Good to know. Thanks. Let me text them."
I pulled out my phone and sent a group text.
Sofia: Anyone up for pizza with Victoria and her boyfriend tonight?
Ed: Yes! Speaking for all of us.
Sofia: Great, see you at 6.
Ed: Get reservations if they take them.
Sofia: Good call.
"They're in. Does the pizza place take reservations? Or call ahead seating?"
Victoria pulled out her phone. "I'll find out."
My phone chimed that I had another text.
Ed: Bring some clothes for the weekend. You're staying with us. Also, Doc wanted me to make sure you knew final exams were coming up for all our classes.
Sofia: Oh. Shit.
Ed: You'll be fine.
"What's wrong? You just got pale?" Victoria asked.
"Ed reminded me we have exams coming."
"Oh, yeah. Shouldn't be a big deal, though. Freshman year and all."
"You've been to your classes. I was trapped in my head." I buried my face in my arm.
"Oh, right. We'll figure it out, Sofia."
I groaned.
"Hey, I got us a reservation and David just got here." She waved her phone at me as if to explain how she knew. "Let's go meet him and then head to town. We've got a hotel for the next couple of nights, so neither of us will be alone here." Her expression fell. "I'm looking forward to having you back."
I hugged her again. "Thanks, Victoria. You really are the best. Let me get packed for the weekend."
Victoria already had a bag packed, and it didn't take long to change the clothes in my overnight bag to fresh ones and make sure I had everything, including my tablet so I could take a look at class material. Maybe I would remember enough of it from the demon going to class, that I could pass my tests.
We shouldered our bags and headed out of our dorm room. I went first, on alert and ready to cast shields thick enough to stop bullets. Fortunately, my caution was unnecessary and we made it out to the student parking lot without trouble.
"David!" Though Victoria had just seen her boyfriend, she still squealed happily and threw herself into his arms.
David was a taller black man with short hair and a blazing smile, at least when he turned it on Victoria. Clearly, he loved her as much as she loved him.
The wattage of his smile diminished from blinding to merely extremely friendly when Victoria led him over to me.
"David, this is my roomie, Sofia."
"It's very nice to meet you." David's deep, soothing voice and his firm but gentle handshake set me at ease. If he was anything like Victoria we would get along great.
"Nice to meet you, too."
"So, I hear we're all getting pizza tonight." His eyes twinkled.
"Yeah, it's our favorite restaurant."
"Meet your guys there?" He said it casually, as if it were the most normal thing in the world.
I still blushed when I nodded.
"Great. Victoria, you want to drive, or want me to?"
"We can leave my car here since it has the parking pass."
"Cool." David drove an Outback and I climbed into the backseat while Victoria took the passenger seat. He had clearly been here before, because she didn't have to give him directions to get to town, though she did give him some advice as to where to park.
I saw Doc's pickup parked on the street not too far from where David stopped and I took my bag so I could throw it in the bed. A quick concealment spell would keep anyone from running off with it, and then I didn't have to remember to grab it later.
Victoria and David watched me while I cast the spells, careful that no one else would see me, then I tossed my bag in the back of Doc's truck. After a quick thought, I also cast a small binding spell so it wouldn't bounce around if I forgot to take it out before we headed back to the cabin. Well, back to the yurt, I guess.
The pizza place was busy, as always, and I scanned the crowd until my eyes were drawn to my guys. They saw me at the same time and Ed waved. The hostess let us head back to our table.
Ed stood and I fell into his arms feeling like it had been forever since I'd last seen him, instead of a few hours. He buried his nose in my hair before giving me a quick kiss and pulling out a chair between him and Nikolai. Doc sat on the other side of Nikolai and Allan was on the other side of Ed. Two other chairs waited for Victoria and David.
Fortunately, though we were at a table instead of a booth, we were in the corner. Doc and Nikolai had their backs to the wall and even Ed and Allan acted extra watchful. Doc was a master of looking outwardly relaxed, but being ready to spring at any moment, and for all of Nikolai's easy smile I caught the hard edge in his gaze as he studied everyone around us, attention never settling in one place for very long. He was a seasoned warrior, and Doc had long years of experience. Ed and Allan were my age and had grown up in the same world I had, though as newly turned werewolves. They were more obvious about their nerves, but no less ready for an attack.
I hoped we could simply enjoy our dinner, but being out in public had me on edge, too.
David and Victoria sat with their backs to the rest of the restaurant, though David angled his chair slightly so he wasn't completely unaware of what went on behind him.
Victoria trusted us to watch her back, though she did glance over her shoulder now and again. She introduced everyone, and they all fell into an easy conversation, interrupted only when the server came to take our order.
Before we could get settled back into a conversation, Doc tensed and glanced over at the door. Ed and Allan's attention was pulled that way moments later. The rest of us looked after that.
Sam, the mage who ran a local curio shop in the touristy downtown section of Sunnyglade, stood just inside the door. She glanced around before her gaze settled on our table.
"Think she's looking for us, or just happens to be here?" I said quietly.
"Hard to say. This is a popular place on a Friday," Allan replied.
"Did something happen with Sam that has you all on edge now? I thought she was a friend? You're way more upset about her than you have been about Ash, and you know he works for the Andersons," Victoria asked.
"We're not completely sure," Allan replied tightly. "Just don't say anything important in front of her. And Ash doesn't have a choice," he added.
Sam came over in our direction after a quick word to the hostess.
"Hello, everyone," she said after a brief awkward silence.
"Hi, Sam," Doc said for all of us.
"What's up?" Ed asked.
"I hadn't seen any of you for a while, so I wanted to see how you were, since I saw you over here." Her eyes fell on me. I wondered how much she knew about the last few months. I had no recollection of interacting with her at all. My last memories of Sam were when she had led us into the trap to rescue the fae from the cold iron traps the Andersons had set near the portal to their realm. We had known it was also a trap for us, but that hadn't stopped us from helping the fae. That fight was when they had figured out Nikolai was a mage, and that had provoked them into taking Victoria hostage so they could get to me before Nikolai could teach me enough to make me useless to them.
If Sam was now working for the Andersons, I wanted nothing to do with her. We had no proof. They could simply have set her up instea
d. It wouldn't have been hard to do.
"We're fine," Allan said. "You?"
She shrugged. "It's snowing. Ski season brings the tourists. The shop is doing well. Otherwise, nothing remarkable."
Despite the crowds, service was quick, and our food arrived while Sam was talking. She shifted out of the way while the servers put our pizzas on the table. With six of us, two being werewolves with a very high metabolism, we had ordered several. Ed and Allan more than made up for Doc not eating anything, and Nikolai had declared pizza his new favorite food and could nearly put away an entire pizza on his own. Victoria and I weren't shy about stuffing our faces and her boyfriend claimed to be starving, so we had five large pizzas between the six of us.
"Why don't you grab a chair," Doc suggested, voice neutral once the servers left.
"Oh, I don't want to interrupt your dinner."
"Not at all," Nikolai protested. "Sit."
"Okay." Sam got another chair and joined us, sitting between Doc and Victoria.
Doc hadn't touched his water and slid it over to Sam.
Everyone grabbed plates, including Doc and slices of pizza. Since other people were around, I knew Doc and Nikolai would quietly switch plates after a while to make it look like he had eaten something. If it was just us, he didn't bother pretending.
Being a half vampire meant Doc could actually drink pretty much anything he wanted, though he couldn't handle solid food, and if he wasn't getting a steady supply of blood he could get by on protein drinks. I wasn't even sure if he was bothering right now, though. He had plenty of options for blood and with Nikolai's healing spells, it wasn't even taxing for the rest of us to keep him supplied. We enjoyed it, and it kept his powers up in case the Andersons did attack us.
With Sam there, it effectively ended any other conversations we were going to have with Victoria and David, at least meaningful ones, so we kept to safe topics like school and things going on in the town.
All of my guys seemed to like David, and we did make plans to get together next time he was able to come back to Sunnyglade.